Highly skilled and well-resourced, our team are active advocates for the events industry, and we make things happen smoothly and effortlessly. As event organisers ourselves, we can relate to what makes you tick. Whether that’s seeing the crowd singing along with their favourite artist, helping to conserve a lost trade, the gratitude of performers whose talent you’ve set free or the adrenaline rush from experiencing a new record time.
Passionate about new ideas and driven by fresh potential, our team has grassroots understanding of the unique opportunities and challenges events bring. Year in year out, we’ve been delivering the iconic Ballarat Begonia Festival and the award-winning Ballarat Heritage Festival. There are many other events and experiences we have on the go every year too, including Summer Sundays and Ballarat Winter Festival.
Equally enthusiastic about entertaining and thrilling your patrons is the Visitor Economy Unit, who work hand-in-hand with us to make sure the city takes care of your guests before and after your event.
You’ll also have access to marketing and communications experts who will work their magic with clever creative minds and industry connections to ensure your event is inventively promoted.
Planning & Compliance
We’ll make it as easy as possible to plan and be compliant with processes and permits. Promise. We are your direct line to the right departments within Council, who can assist with recreation facilities and services, governance and risk management, environmental health issues and asset management requirements.
Have a big event idea that would be perfect for Ballarat? Get in touch with us to explore available funding opportunities.
Let us make the introductions with potential event sponsors and community groups and work out the best ways to engage with our community.

We value the impact an event can have on our region. Not only economically, we want to ensure the social and cultural pillars that underpin any event strategically align with the brand of our amazing city. Our Events Strategy ensures our Traveller Experience Plan is a framework for success well into the future. These plans provide the vision to increase the length of stay, visitor spending and repeat visitation.
Ballarat seeks events that support mutually beneficial partnerships beyond the council, that appeal to the city’s target audiences, and that:
- provide reasons for a first visit and align with Ballarat’s core attribute pillars
- leverage key event precincts, city streets, gardens, sporting grounds, and surrounding villages and support our hospitality scene
- stimulate traditionally quieter times of the year, including mid-week
- offer employment opportunities, skills building, and build community pride
- are accessible, sustainable and provide further reason to attract private or public infrastructure investment, or
- one-off events that have the power to transform the city and build brand equity